Weight: 229.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 45.0 pounds
I survived the Thanksgiving glut pretty well, gaining only 1 pound over the entire weekend. In fact, this was the first time I can remember a Thanksgiving dinner where I didn't feel absolutely sick afterward. I had turkey and some cranberries, steamed green beans, some veggies from a relish tray...and I was good. In all honesty, I did partake in having a homemade yeast rolls made by my mother-in-law, but I had promised myself one before we even left for the trip.
For those of you in Ohio, you already know what the weather has been like...almost 7" of rain in the last week, so my amount of exercise has suffered. I did however get to take one brief walk down a country lane while at my in-laws. It included a hill I wouldn't have dared walk for pleasure anytime in recent memory. While it was a leisurely stroll with my wife, I had no troubles breathing, no muscle cramping, no fatigue. I felt exhilarated and refreshed...AFTER exercising. It was an amazing feeling, though I decided that I definitely needed some better shoes. I bought a decent pair of shoes this afternoon and can't wait to try them out.
I had a great call with my Somae mentor Lisa today. Her positive attitude has been a great counterbalance to my sometimes cynical/grumpy mood. Since I've been hanging at the -45 pound mark for a little over a week, she challenged me to make the -50 pound milestone. I'm convinced I can do it, and am recommitting to make it happen this week. My official last day on the Somae Plan is December 12, but it's still only just begun...a lifetime of healthier living is still ahead of me.
Losing weight in a healthy way--and in such a manner that leads to a true change of lifestyle--is a challenge for most Americans. Following a healthy & balanced wellness plan designed by Somae Health and adding in training for the 2011 Flying Pig 5K race, blogger RowdyRaider will document his weight loss progress and results.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Phase 3, Day 7: Thanksgiving Eve
Weight: 228.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
Well, I won't be posting for at least a few days since I will be "off the grid" in southeastern Ohio for Thanksgiving. Similarly, I'm taking myself "off the scale" for the same timeframe. It's not that I'm going to splurge for the holiday, in fact, I'm pretty excited about finding healthy alternatives on the biggest eating day of the year. I want to surprise myself when I return from our holiday trip and find that I've lost weight. In fact, I'm packing food to take with me that I know can be used in a pinch should healthy options not be available on the table.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
Well, I won't be posting for at least a few days since I will be "off the grid" in southeastern Ohio for Thanksgiving. Similarly, I'm taking myself "off the scale" for the same timeframe. It's not that I'm going to splurge for the holiday, in fact, I'm pretty excited about finding healthy alternatives on the biggest eating day of the year. I want to surprise myself when I return from our holiday trip and find that I've lost weight. In fact, I'm packing food to take with me that I know can be used in a pinch should healthy options not be available on the table.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Phase 3, Day 5: GOAL and then some
Weight: 228.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
On Saturday morning I awoke to find that I had reached my 12-week goal of 230 pounds. I was excited, a little bit amazed, and immediately committed to lose more. As I reflect back on the last 9 weeks, it seems impossible that I have lost so much weight. Sure, there have been some rough times with plateaus and even some weight spikes, but I have learned so much about how my body responds to certain foods and I feel absolutely amazing.
I have another 3 weeks or so on Phase 3, but I have also come to realize that this lifestyle change doesn't end when I reach 12 weeks...it's a LIFESTYLE change. I've discovered new salad combinations, smoothie recipes, and exercises that I can really sustain in order to be a healthier person ALL of the time. One of the greatest accomplishments has been working with my kids so that they now choose healthy options (whole-grain crackers, fruit, etc.) for snack rather than always going for "gummy snacks" or cookies.
Thanks to everyone for their support, and keep the good words coming as I keep heading for 200.
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
On Saturday morning I awoke to find that I had reached my 12-week goal of 230 pounds. I was excited, a little bit amazed, and immediately committed to lose more. As I reflect back on the last 9 weeks, it seems impossible that I have lost so much weight. Sure, there have been some rough times with plateaus and even some weight spikes, but I have learned so much about how my body responds to certain foods and I feel absolutely amazing.
I have another 3 weeks or so on Phase 3, but I have also come to realize that this lifestyle change doesn't end when I reach 12 weeks...it's a LIFESTYLE change. I've discovered new salad combinations, smoothie recipes, and exercises that I can really sustain in order to be a healthier person ALL of the time. One of the greatest accomplishments has been working with my kids so that they now choose healthy options (whole-grain crackers, fruit, etc.) for snack rather than always going for "gummy snacks" or cookies.
Thanks to everyone for their support, and keep the good words coming as I keep heading for 200.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Phase 3, Day 2: Stabilization
Weight: 230.8 pounds (.8 pounds until I meet my goal)
Total Weight Lost: 43.8 pounds
Phase 3 of the Somae Plan is called "Stabilization", meaning the period where my body adjusts to its new lower weight, my hypothalamus resets and my metabolism ramps back up to burn the food I eat rather than storing the energy as fat.
The first major difference between Phase 2 and Phase 3 is that I am now able to eat a much more diverse diet including a wide array of fruits and vegetables that were off limits in Phase 2 due to their higher caloric content or lower nutritional density. I'm excited that I can now start having a fruit smoothie in the morning using soy or coconut milk, some whey protein and frozen berries, although the "weight" of the smoothie was a bit of a shock to my stomach this morning. I'm also able to start adding in nuts and seeds and higher quantities of other fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I'm adding these back in gradually so that my body has a chance to adjust and my metabolism starts speeding up slowly.
The second major difference is that I can start exercising. During Phase 2 I was encouraged to walk at least 30 minutes each day--which I did on most days--but now I can start adding in some weight training and other more physical exercises to keep my metabolism running on all cylinders. Yesterday, after starting to feel a little tired in the afternoon, I managed to walk and jog on the treadmill for about 20 minutes. I can't remember the last time I jogged! I was a little weak afterward, but it felt good to know that I could do it. I'll do it again today, though I think I need to invest in some better shoes if I'm going to make it a regular habit.
On the sleep front, last night was my third straight night of at least 7 hours of relatively uninterrupted sleep. That has made a huge difference in my general mood in the morning and throughout the day. Now, if I can only get my 4 year old to stay out of my bed in the night, it would be even better.
Total Weight Lost: 43.8 pounds
Phase 3 of the Somae Plan is called "Stabilization", meaning the period where my body adjusts to its new lower weight, my hypothalamus resets and my metabolism ramps back up to burn the food I eat rather than storing the energy as fat.
The first major difference between Phase 2 and Phase 3 is that I am now able to eat a much more diverse diet including a wide array of fruits and vegetables that were off limits in Phase 2 due to their higher caloric content or lower nutritional density. I'm excited that I can now start having a fruit smoothie in the morning using soy or coconut milk, some whey protein and frozen berries, although the "weight" of the smoothie was a bit of a shock to my stomach this morning. I'm also able to start adding in nuts and seeds and higher quantities of other fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I'm adding these back in gradually so that my body has a chance to adjust and my metabolism starts speeding up slowly.
The second major difference is that I can start exercising. During Phase 2 I was encouraged to walk at least 30 minutes each day--which I did on most days--but now I can start adding in some weight training and other more physical exercises to keep my metabolism running on all cylinders. Yesterday, after starting to feel a little tired in the afternoon, I managed to walk and jog on the treadmill for about 20 minutes. I can't remember the last time I jogged! I was a little weak afterward, but it felt good to know that I could do it. I'll do it again today, though I think I need to invest in some better shoes if I'm going to make it a regular habit.
On the sleep front, last night was my third straight night of at least 7 hours of relatively uninterrupted sleep. That has made a huge difference in my general mood in the morning and throughout the day. Now, if I can only get my 4 year old to stay out of my bed in the night, it would be even better.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Phase 2, Day 49: Last Day of Phase 2
Weight: 232.4 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 42.2 pounds
Today is my last day of Phase 2. Typically, Phase 2 last for 45 days but I was lagging a little behind in the weight loss and I had a few extra doses of hCG so, in consultation with my Somae Mentor Lisa, I extended my time by 4 days.
As you can see, my weight bounced back up again but is now moving downward again. Lisa and I chatted yesterday about what can cause such fluctuations. How's this for a checklist:
-not getting enough sleep (check)
-letting stress get to me (check)
-eating after 7pm (check)
Stress, sleep deprivation and eating late in the evening can all trigger the release of a "stress hormone" known as cortisol. From medicinenet.com, "Cortisol has been termed the "stress hormone" because excess cortisol is secreted during times of physical or psychological stress, and the normal pattern of cortisol secretion (with levels highest in the early morning and lowest at night) can be altered. This disruption of cortisol secretion may not only promote weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight."
So, what are the answers? Last night I slept for almost nine hours (not including interruptions from our 4 year old climbing in bed with us and jabbing me in the back with his knees). I took some exercise before work this morning by helping a local business owner clean out part of his basement for things he was donating to the school. And, I had nothing to eat after diner last night other than a glass of water.
I'm feeling great today. It's also my LAST day on the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), so tomorrow I begin working my way up to the whole foods diet that I will continue for the next 25 days (and beyond). I'm looking forward to a little more diversity in my diet, but am a little anxious about Thanksgiving being only a week away.
I am intending to devote an entire post to my reflections on hCG and the injections I had to take for the last 7 weeks or so. Keep an eye out....
Total Weight Lost: 42.2 pounds
Today is my last day of Phase 2. Typically, Phase 2 last for 45 days but I was lagging a little behind in the weight loss and I had a few extra doses of hCG so, in consultation with my Somae Mentor Lisa, I extended my time by 4 days.
As you can see, my weight bounced back up again but is now moving downward again. Lisa and I chatted yesterday about what can cause such fluctuations. How's this for a checklist:
-not getting enough sleep (check)
-letting stress get to me (check)
-eating after 7pm (check)
Stress, sleep deprivation and eating late in the evening can all trigger the release of a "stress hormone" known as cortisol. From medicinenet.com, "Cortisol has been termed the "stress hormone" because excess cortisol is secreted during times of physical or psychological stress, and the normal pattern of cortisol secretion (with levels highest in the early morning and lowest at night) can be altered. This disruption of cortisol secretion may not only promote weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight."
So, what are the answers? Last night I slept for almost nine hours (not including interruptions from our 4 year old climbing in bed with us and jabbing me in the back with his knees). I took some exercise before work this morning by helping a local business owner clean out part of his basement for things he was donating to the school. And, I had nothing to eat after diner last night other than a glass of water.
I'm feeling great today. It's also my LAST day on the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), so tomorrow I begin working my way up to the whole foods diet that I will continue for the next 25 days (and beyond). I'm looking forward to a little more diversity in my diet, but am a little anxious about Thanksgiving being only a week away.
I am intending to devote an entire post to my reflections on hCG and the injections I had to take for the last 7 weeks or so. Keep an eye out....
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Phase 2, Day 43: Big Boy Underwear
Weight: 232.2 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 42.4 pounds
So, I thought the title was a little clever at first, now I just think it's funny....but I'm going to keep it for this reason. Today was the first time in as long as I can remember that I am wearing underwear that do not contain an "X" in the size. I'm wearing a large as opposed to an extra large, while my tshirts have all moved from XXL to XL. So, I'm wearing "big boy" underwear instead of "REALLY big boy underwear".
My weight has plateaued a bit so today was an "apple day" meaning nothing but apples and water. I did discover, however, a NEW variety (at least for me) in Kiku. I'm not sure that it's a Whole Foods Market exclusive, but it's the only place I've ever seen them. Really tasty, nice and firm, with a tart taste at first followed by a sweet and juicy finish. YUMMY!
Total Weight Lost: 42.4 pounds
So, I thought the title was a little clever at first, now I just think it's funny....but I'm going to keep it for this reason. Today was the first time in as long as I can remember that I am wearing underwear that do not contain an "X" in the size. I'm wearing a large as opposed to an extra large, while my tshirts have all moved from XXL to XL. So, I'm wearing "big boy" underwear instead of "REALLY big boy underwear".
My weight has plateaued a bit so today was an "apple day" meaning nothing but apples and water. I did discover, however, a NEW variety (at least for me) in Kiku. I'm not sure that it's a Whole Foods Market exclusive, but it's the only place I've ever seen them. Really tasty, nice and firm, with a tart taste at first followed by a sweet and juicy finish. YUMMY!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Phase 2, Day 41: 2.6 pounds to go in 4 weeks
Weight: 232.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 42.0 pounds
What an amazing, educational, shocking, depressing, exhilarating, inspiring 8 weeks it has been since I started the Somae Plan on September 14th. I blew through the "40 pounds lost" milestone yesterday and tacked on another 1.6 pounds by this morning and I'm feeling GREAT. My goal, set 8 weeks ago, was to reach 230 pounds by the end of 12 weeks. I am now just 2.6 pounds from that goal and have decided to keep on going since my body is easily maintaining the current rate of loss and my energy is high. In fact, I'm going to add another couple days on the hCG "Phase 2" since I have some of the medication left and have been told that there would be no adverse consequences to finish it out.
Over the past 8 weeks, I've really found out how good it can feel when I'm getting all of the nutrition I need to be productive without all of the extra fat, fillers and artificial ingredients. I've become a master of reading labels (though it can make shopping trips a little longer), a fan of spinach and even tofu (I tried a little today...heavily seasoned), and my jaws have become much stronger from all of the apples I've been eating (I figured that I've eaten more than 120 apples in the last 56 days).
Thanks to all of you posting comments here or on Facebook...Keep them coming!
Total Weight Lost: 42.0 pounds
What an amazing, educational, shocking, depressing, exhilarating, inspiring 8 weeks it has been since I started the Somae Plan on September 14th. I blew through the "40 pounds lost" milestone yesterday and tacked on another 1.6 pounds by this morning and I'm feeling GREAT. My goal, set 8 weeks ago, was to reach 230 pounds by the end of 12 weeks. I am now just 2.6 pounds from that goal and have decided to keep on going since my body is easily maintaining the current rate of loss and my energy is high. In fact, I'm going to add another couple days on the hCG "Phase 2" since I have some of the medication left and have been told that there would be no adverse consequences to finish it out.
Over the past 8 weeks, I've really found out how good it can feel when I'm getting all of the nutrition I need to be productive without all of the extra fat, fillers and artificial ingredients. I've become a master of reading labels (though it can make shopping trips a little longer), a fan of spinach and even tofu (I tried a little today...heavily seasoned), and my jaws have become much stronger from all of the apples I've been eating (I figured that I've eaten more than 120 apples in the last 56 days).
Thanks to all of you posting comments here or on Facebook...Keep them coming!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Phase 2, Day 39: My Romance with Food
Weight: 235.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 39.0 pounds
So, in a doctor's office visit my primary care physician complimented be on my blog and successes thus far, but commented that it almost seems that I have a "romantic affair" with food, and that this might point to some of the reasons why I've struggled over the past week or two. I wasn't REALLY sure what he was talking about, but I promised to reflect on it. I mentioned to my wife what he had said, and she agreed.
So, I went back and read some of my early posts. I recognized that, subconsciously, I was describing my food (even the not-so-great foods) in ways that truly did indicate that I LOVE FOOD. The food I was eating upstaged descriptions of how I was feeling or how my life was changing as a result of my weight loss. When I think back to the questions I had for other "Somae Planners" before starting the diet they weren't about energy levels, exercise, or lifestyle changes. They were, "what did you eat on Day 23", "what does your daily menu look like," and "what's your new favorite food?"
One of the things I have realized over the course of this weight loss and lifestyle change is that, yes, I can still love eating food but I can't lose sight of the fact that eating is a method of giving my body nourishment. Period. The things I eat should taste good, but they should also be healthy. Sorry, pretty lady, I'm saving this dance for someone else.
Total Weight Lost: 39.0 pounds
So, in a doctor's office visit my primary care physician complimented be on my blog and successes thus far, but commented that it almost seems that I have a "romantic affair" with food, and that this might point to some of the reasons why I've struggled over the past week or two. I wasn't REALLY sure what he was talking about, but I promised to reflect on it. I mentioned to my wife what he had said, and she agreed.
So, I went back and read some of my early posts. I recognized that, subconsciously, I was describing my food (even the not-so-great foods) in ways that truly did indicate that I LOVE FOOD. The food I was eating upstaged descriptions of how I was feeling or how my life was changing as a result of my weight loss. When I think back to the questions I had for other "Somae Planners" before starting the diet they weren't about energy levels, exercise, or lifestyle changes. They were, "what did you eat on Day 23", "what does your daily menu look like," and "what's your new favorite food?"
One of the things I have realized over the course of this weight loss and lifestyle change is that, yes, I can still love eating food but I can't lose sight of the fact that eating is a method of giving my body nourishment. Period. The things I eat should taste good, but they should also be healthy. Sorry, pretty lady, I'm saving this dance for someone else.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Phase 2, Day 38: Purging the Snack Food and Temptation
Weight: 238.4 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 36.2 pounds
I spent a good part of the morning today ridding the house of some of the most tempting snack foods. I'm a carb junkie, and have been since I was a kid--in fact, I can remember stories of my sitting and eating half a loaf of bread or half-a-dozen Little Debbie oatmeal pies at a sitting.
Sweets have never been a weakness of mine at home--just ask my wife. She's a tremendous baker, but when she makes a cake, pie or even breads, I almost never touch them. Just ask my oldest son. We still had a tremendous amount of Easter candy (not to mention Halloween 2009 candy) in a basket when we brought home candy from last weekend's trick-or-treat (yes, we threw out the old stuff, finally).
My weakness are the true "snacky" foods like chips, crackers, Goldfish crackers, pretzels. What did I buy for my son's birthday party last weekend? Chips. Crackers. Pretzels. We haven't had a lot of these things in the house since I started the Somae Plan in September, but all of a sudden, they were readily available...and I knew it. So, out they go. In an early morning grocery run this morning, I picked up some more apples including some smaller ones for the boys to snack on with me today since we're bachelors for a few hours while Mommy is out shopping. Together with the grapes, carrots and other healthy snacks in the house, we should all be better for it.
Total Weight Lost: 36.2 pounds
I spent a good part of the morning today ridding the house of some of the most tempting snack foods. I'm a carb junkie, and have been since I was a kid--in fact, I can remember stories of my sitting and eating half a loaf of bread or half-a-dozen Little Debbie oatmeal pies at a sitting.
Sweets have never been a weakness of mine at home--just ask my wife. She's a tremendous baker, but when she makes a cake, pie or even breads, I almost never touch them. Just ask my oldest son. We still had a tremendous amount of Easter candy (not to mention Halloween 2009 candy) in a basket when we brought home candy from last weekend's trick-or-treat (yes, we threw out the old stuff, finally).
My weakness are the true "snacky" foods like chips, crackers, Goldfish crackers, pretzels. What did I buy for my son's birthday party last weekend? Chips. Crackers. Pretzels. We haven't had a lot of these things in the house since I started the Somae Plan in September, but all of a sudden, they were readily available...and I knew it. So, out they go. In an early morning grocery run this morning, I picked up some more apples including some smaller ones for the boys to snack on with me today since we're bachelors for a few hours while Mommy is out shopping. Together with the grapes, carrots and other healthy snacks in the house, we should all be better for it.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Phase 2, Day 37: Back in the Saddle
Weight: 240.0 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 34.6 pounds
After a rough couple of days, my mind and spirit are clear again. What has become clear to me of over the past 24 hours or so is that I skipped some steps in the very beginning of my Somae journey and have become complacent during my weight loss, both of which have come back to haunt me now.
First, the biggest step I skipped was that I failed to really take a look at how and why food has had such a huge place in my life. One of the things I've managed to learn over the last 8 weeks is that food, while it should be enjoyed, should be primarily a source of sustenance and not a substitute for the other things in life that can give us comfort and satisfaction. In fact, even during my snacking binges earlier this week, I never felt satisfied. I felt guilty. I felt disappointment. It's my wife and kids that have been my source of comfort and satisfaction for the first 6 weeks of this journey, but for some reason, I started letting food take center stage over the last week or so. Why?
The one thing that I can pinpoint is stress. That stress has affected things other than my eating habits, as well. I've been a little more "short" with my kids when they are making too much noise or touching something they shouldn't. My wife's work schedule has been a source of great contention, despite the fact that it has really been not much more hectic than normal. I've been sleeping less...which is funny, because I'm sleeping almost like I used to before beginning my lifestyle change (maybe 4-5 hours per night). When I was getting 7-8 hours (like 3 weeks ago), I was much more easy-going and less stressed. Sound familiar?
So, I have been "on protocol" for more almost 72 hours, meaning no cheats, unhealthy snacks, or consuming anything that I shouldn't be on this Very Low Calorie Diet Phase 2. I'm optimistic that I can stick with it and reap the benefits that are just around the corner. Along the way, I'll be sure to go back and identify some of the other more specific "food triggers", but my "comforts" are upstairs asleep...and I need to join them now.
Total Weight Lost: 34.6 pounds
After a rough couple of days, my mind and spirit are clear again. What has become clear to me of over the past 24 hours or so is that I skipped some steps in the very beginning of my Somae journey and have become complacent during my weight loss, both of which have come back to haunt me now.
First, the biggest step I skipped was that I failed to really take a look at how and why food has had such a huge place in my life. One of the things I've managed to learn over the last 8 weeks is that food, while it should be enjoyed, should be primarily a source of sustenance and not a substitute for the other things in life that can give us comfort and satisfaction. In fact, even during my snacking binges earlier this week, I never felt satisfied. I felt guilty. I felt disappointment. It's my wife and kids that have been my source of comfort and satisfaction for the first 6 weeks of this journey, but for some reason, I started letting food take center stage over the last week or so. Why?
So, I have been "on protocol" for more almost 72 hours, meaning no cheats, unhealthy snacks, or consuming anything that I shouldn't be on this Very Low Calorie Diet Phase 2. I'm optimistic that I can stick with it and reap the benefits that are just around the corner. Along the way, I'll be sure to go back and identify some of the other more specific "food triggers", but my "comforts" are upstairs asleep...and I need to join them now.
Phase 2,
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Phase 2, Day 36: Peeing Like a Racehorse
Weight: 241.2 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 33.4 pounds
Well, I've managed to move the scale downward again. I ended up having more than a gallon of water yesterday (that equates to just over 8 pounds), so I must have managed to flush myself of a lot of the excess salt I consumed on Tuesday night. Unfortunately, I think that I may have a pound of mucus and phlegm in my head and chest this morning because I am sicker than a dog. Seasonal allergies have been a problem for me since my early 20's, but the last 8 weeks had been pretty good and I had been pretty asymptomatic even without my daily antihistamine, but WOW, this morning I'm feeling pretty rough.
Though I won't go into details here (sorry, a little TOO personal), I've developed some bad habits in my attempt to lose weight and keep losing weight. Let's just say I can now understand the emotional, psychological and even physical responses that many (especially young women) in our society deal with when considering self-image and weight. One of the key components of lasting weight loss (and lifestyle change) is recognizing my "triggers" for eating and over-consumption, but I'm having difficulty identifying those events or situations that have led to the last few days of snacking. So, I'm going to make some phone calls today to see if I can have someone else help me talk through it.
Before anyone gets concerned, I'm in a good place mentally and emotionally. I want to make sure that the changes that I have been able to make over the past 7 weeks are permanent ones and that I don't fall back into old habits, or worse yet, develop some that are even less healthy than before.
Total Weight Lost: 33.4 pounds
Well, I've managed to move the scale downward again. I ended up having more than a gallon of water yesterday (that equates to just over 8 pounds), so I must have managed to flush myself of a lot of the excess salt I consumed on Tuesday night. Unfortunately, I think that I may have a pound of mucus and phlegm in my head and chest this morning because I am sicker than a dog. Seasonal allergies have been a problem for me since my early 20's, but the last 8 weeks had been pretty good and I had been pretty asymptomatic even without my daily antihistamine, but WOW, this morning I'm feeling pretty rough.
Though I won't go into details here (sorry, a little TOO personal), I've developed some bad habits in my attempt to lose weight and keep losing weight. Let's just say I can now understand the emotional, psychological and even physical responses that many (especially young women) in our society deal with when considering self-image and weight. One of the key components of lasting weight loss (and lifestyle change) is recognizing my "triggers" for eating and over-consumption, but I'm having difficulty identifying those events or situations that have led to the last few days of snacking. So, I'm going to make some phone calls today to see if I can have someone else help me talk through it.
Before anyone gets concerned, I'm in a good place mentally and emotionally. I want to make sure that the changes that I have been able to make over the past 7 weeks are permanent ones and that I don't fall back into old habits, or worse yet, develop some that are even less healthy than before.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Phase 2, Day 35:Tortilla Chips=1, Me=0
Weight: 242.2 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 32.4 pounds
That's right, up 3 pounds from yesterday. Why? Well I did eat close to 5 pounds of apples and drank a little over 4 pounds of water, but that should have cleared out by this morning. I went on a snack food bender last night. I ate some tortilla chips....a lot of tortilla chips. So many that the only reason I think I quit was because I had scraped the sides of my mouth by shoveling them in so quickly that the salt began to burn my lips.
I can't ever remember a time where I ate so much yet was so unsatisfied. Maybe it was that I was having a rough night. Maybe it was because I was bored after getting the kids to bed. Maybe it was because I was mourning the loss of the House of Representatives....I don't know, but I just couldn't stop.
Needless to say, I have felt like crap all day today. I have said it before, but I have never had very strong willpower. For the first several weeks of the Somae Plan, I never really even felt tempted to binge, so I didn't really consider the willpower aspect. But now, I have no choice. I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to sabotage or erase another day's worth of progress, let alone 8 weeks of progress.
Please remember me in your prayers, meditation, or other form of reflection of asking of blessings. I have another 2 weeks, give or take, until I finish the weight loss portion of this program...and I need all of the Divine intervention I can get.
Total Weight Lost: 32.4 pounds
That's right, up 3 pounds from yesterday. Why? Well I did eat close to 5 pounds of apples and drank a little over 4 pounds of water, but that should have cleared out by this morning. I went on a snack food bender last night. I ate some tortilla chips....a lot of tortilla chips. So many that the only reason I think I quit was because I had scraped the sides of my mouth by shoveling them in so quickly that the salt began to burn my lips.
I can't ever remember a time where I ate so much yet was so unsatisfied. Maybe it was that I was having a rough night. Maybe it was because I was bored after getting the kids to bed. Maybe it was because I was mourning the loss of the House of Representatives....I don't know, but I just couldn't stop.
Needless to say, I have felt like crap all day today. I have said it before, but I have never had very strong willpower. For the first several weeks of the Somae Plan, I never really even felt tempted to binge, so I didn't really consider the willpower aspect. But now, I have no choice. I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to sabotage or erase another day's worth of progress, let alone 8 weeks of progress.
Please remember me in your prayers, meditation, or other form of reflection of asking of blessings. I have another 2 weeks, give or take, until I finish the weight loss portion of this program...and I need all of the Divine intervention I can get.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Weight: 239.2 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 35.4 pounds
I'm off my plateau, but still taking an apple day today to make sure the scale keeps moving downward. Breaking the 240 pound mark was huge as I had been flirting with it for a week or more. My goal for 12 weeks was to reach 230 pounds (44.6 pounds lost). I'm currently wrapping up week 7 and am less than 10 pounds from my goal.
Realistically, I know I can hit it. The optimist in me, however, would like to see 225 or even 220 by the end. Here's to the magical power of Honeycrisp apples!!!
Total Weight Lost: 35.4 pounds
I'm off my plateau, but still taking an apple day today to make sure the scale keeps moving downward. Breaking the 240 pound mark was huge as I had been flirting with it for a week or more. My goal for 12 weeks was to reach 230 pounds (44.6 pounds lost). I'm currently wrapping up week 7 and am less than 10 pounds from my goal.
Realistically, I know I can hit it. The optimist in me, however, would like to see 225 or even 220 by the end. Here's to the magical power of Honeycrisp apples!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Phase 2, Day 33: Unexplained Absence
Weight: 241.0
Total Weight Lost: 33.6 pounds
In a recent article I read about weight loss, it said that journaling can be an important motivational tool during any prolonged weight loss program. I had kept to it almost religiously during the first month or more of my weight loss with the Somae Health program, but the past 2 weeks or so my journaling has dropped off. Not surprisingly, my weight loss has slowed since I'm not holding myself accountable by "putting it out there" for everyone to see.
I've plateaued for awhile now, and will be having an apple day on Tuesday. My weight had started trending downward but I indulged over the weekend for my 4-year old's birthday and Halloween. Not much candy, but a few more chips and salty snacks than I should be having. Despite being disappointed, I have managed to keep my mood up.
I am hereby recommitting myself to daily posts for the remainder of my Somae journey...please share your comments!
Total Weight Lost: 33.6 pounds
In a recent article I read about weight loss, it said that journaling can be an important motivational tool during any prolonged weight loss program. I had kept to it almost religiously during the first month or more of my weight loss with the Somae Health program, but the past 2 weeks or so my journaling has dropped off. Not surprisingly, my weight loss has slowed since I'm not holding myself accountable by "putting it out there" for everyone to see.
I've plateaued for awhile now, and will be having an apple day on Tuesday. My weight had started trending downward but I indulged over the weekend for my 4-year old's birthday and Halloween. Not much candy, but a few more chips and salty snacks than I should be having. Despite being disappointed, I have managed to keep my mood up.
I am hereby recommitting myself to daily posts for the remainder of my Somae journey...please share your comments!
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