Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oops...and Ouch! caught running errands for work again today at lunch time and decided to stop in at Amol India, Cincinnati's BEST Indian restaurant (ok, matter of preference here in Cincinnati, but we won't have that debate here). I managed to stay with primarily vegetarian foods (with a little chicken thrown in for good measure), but did make the mistake of choosing the buffet. I am paying for it right now. I didn't eat as much as I normally would at Amol--typically 3 plates plus naan bread--but I definitely ate more than I should have. It was also difficult to steer around the creamy dishes, though I strained as much of the sauce off as I could and ate just the goodies inside.

We'll see what the scale says tomorrow, but OUCH!

1 comment:

  1. Just refocus, redirect, and recommit, Jason! We all have those days when we aren't absolutely 100% perfect. Just don't let these types of days happen too often or they will keep you in a literal gerbal wheel! Brush yourself off, jump back on the wagon and keep pushing forward! Focus on your todays and look forward to your tomorrows :) Your PSM!
