Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Phase 1, Day 1: The First Morning

Weight: 269.6

Well, today is the day, although I have been easing my way into a healthier diet over the past 3 or 4 days (leading to 5 pounds lost before even beginning the program). I woke up amid the usual chaos of trying to get two kids up, dressed and out the door for school so I wasn't able to start my new morning ritual until after I had gotten them dropped off.

First thing, 2 tbsp of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. Straight with a water chaser. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but not the greatest thing I've ever swallowed. Apple cider vinegar has many "old wives tales" values, not least among them is the detoxifying and cleansing process. I've also read that it helps thin the blood and other bodily fluids like mucus and phlegm, so SHOULD be good for treating colds and allergies. We shall see. Apple cider vinegar is also high in potassium (especially Bragg's brand which is raw/unprocessed), so not being able to eat a banana for the next 12 weeks doesn't seem quite as bad.

For breakfast, I had a hard boiled egg, a piece of whole wheat toast and a glass of orange juice along with some Somae digestive enzyme supplements to help replace and reset the naturally occurring enzymes which are eliminated (and largely unnecessary) when eating processed foods. By resetting the enzymes, I will be able to digest and absorb the maximum number of nutrients from the foods that our ancestors ate as a staple but which we have been "unprogrammed" to eat. I actually felt pretty full after what doesn't seem like a lot of food, but the 8oz. of orange juice and 20 oz. of water probably had a lot to with it.

I had a mid-morning snack of an apple with a handful of unsalted sunflower seeds. I'm also supposed to drink 8 oz. of water with each meal/snack, but I've been drinking water all morning (including with this snack), so no worries.

It's a little before noon, and I'm starting to feel pretty hungry. I have a wonderful salad of spring greens, bean sprouts and carrots with a small chicken breast cut up. I'm going to try it with a new organic salad dressing I picked up at Whole Foods Market (a whole story in and of itself) that is a shitake mushroom and sesame seed vinaigrette. Not sure if the dressing is 100% ok or not, but I only have 2 tbsp. to add a little more flavor. I'm going back to Whole Foods tonight to try and find some other alternatives to oil-based dressings.

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