Friday, December 10, 2010

Phase 3, Day 23: Exercise and Goal Setting

Weight: 229.0 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 45.6 pounds

So, a long time ago (probably while still in high school) I came up with excuses as to why I didn't (or couldn't) exercise. It probably dates back to my wresting days running bleachers in the gym and running ad nauseum in the hallways. Over the years, I became "too busy", and then "too heavy", and then "too busy" again. Over the last two months or so, I have gradually been increasing my amount of exercise, mostly in the form of walking, and more recently, walking interspersed with jogging. Tonight I took a longer route (2 miles or so) and completed it in 3 minutes less than the it took me the first time I walked a mile.

Which brings me to goal setting. My Somae mentor Lisa reminded me about the importance of setting goals in our weekly phone call this week. When I started the Somae journey in September, I set a number of goals. I've met all of them, and while I have slipped from time to time on some of my snack food habits, I have managed to lose more than 45 pounds and am feeling amazing. So now, my next goals.
Goal 1: I will remain below 230 pounds, while making an attempt to go lower.
Goal 2: I will continue eating a diet comprised almost entirely of whole foods.
Goal 3: I will get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and more if I am able.
Goal 4: I will continue reading labels on foods to ensure that the food I buy (for myself and my family) contains as few processed ingredients as possible.
Goal 5: I will maintain my healthy lifestyle including exercise and avoiding or minimizing stress.
I have, officially, only 2 more days on the Somae Plan, but the Somae Lifestyle is now a permanent part of my life.

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