Losing weight in a healthy way--and in such a manner that leads to a true change of lifestyle--is a challenge for most Americans. Following a healthy & balanced wellness plan designed by Somae Health and adding in training for the 2011 Flying Pig 5K race, blogger RowdyRaider will document his weight loss progress and results.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
hCG: Controversy or Control?
No on to the hCG.....
In the Somae Health plan, there is a 7-week course of taking a hormone known as hCG. I've posted about it a few times (click the hCG tag below to sort out those posts), but I wanted to take a little bit of time to reflect on the hCG treatments and whether or not I think they were helpful in my weight loss.
Before I started the Somae Plan, the hCG injections were one of the top reasons that I was hesitating. Giving up an unhealthy lifestyle was really the biggest hurdle, but nonetheless, the hormone injections did scare (and concern) me a bit. After all, inject female hormones into my body to lose weight. Sounded like quackery to me.
I read articles from the New England Journal of Medicine and other publications about the Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD) and the use of hCG to combat fatigue and hunger while on a VLCD. The science was compelling, but still not widely accepted. In fact, in 1974 the FDA required doctor's to advise patients that hCG was not proven to help in weight loss.
That being said, I had seen the results first-hand when my personal physician went on the Somae Health plan (with hCG) and lost an amazing amount of weight. I was convinced to try it...what did I have to lose (other than the $1200).
I have to say, I think there may have been only 1 day in my 12 weeks on the Somae Plan where I truly felt hungry...and none of those was while on the hCG treatments in Phase 2. I did have some days where I had less energy, but they were few and far between and the weight kept coming off. In full disclosure, I lost more weight per day, on average, during the induction period of Phase 1 where I was basically cleansing and healing my digestive system than I did during the hCG phase (Phase 2) also known as "Accelerated Weight Loss".
I have a relative doing hCG treatments right now through a different company. She is using the sublingual (under-the-tongue) drops. She seems to be doing well, too, though I'm waiting for an update. I have a friend from high school who is now using the Somae Health plan WITHOUT using hCG. He hasn't gotten to the VLCD component yet, but I'll be very interested to get his take on how his energy and hunger levels do.
So, did I answer the question for you? Probably not. There is a lot of research out there, and this new weight loss "fad" is not as new as it may appear. The original studies on hCG go back more than 50 years. Did it work for me? I would have to say that it probably did. I'm working on trying to lose more weight now without the hCG but relying on the lessons I learned while on the Somae Health plan as far as eating and exercise. Are all hCG programs designed alike, probably not...but Somae Health and it's mentor program definitely worked for me.
I'm more than happy to answer specific questions about hCG or the Somae Plan in general.....just shoot me a comment or an email.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Support Me in the Somae Challenge
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
So Now What?!?
Tonight I did my first 25-minute workout. I covered a 2.7km route in just 23:10--which would have me at 42:30 for a full 5K race. All of this on snow and ice covered sidewalks and side streets!!! I actually felt pretty good throughout the first 2km. At about that point my heart was beating so hard I took one "jogging" rotation off and extended my walking time, but the next time around, I was right back to it.
So, in addition to my weight tracking on posts, I will now also start tracking my jogging distances and times.
This is SO MUCH FUN!!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Rediscovering My Inner Chi-a
So, today was a back-to-basics diet from the Somae Plan.
- Triple Berry smoothie with coconut milk and whey protein for breakfast
- Apple and sunflower seeds for an a.m. snack
- Mixed greens with cajun tofu and broccoli for lunch
- Apple and sunflower seeds for a p.m. snack
- Baby spinach salad with organic shitake & sesame dressing
Chia seeds are very versatile. They are teeny tiny, not much bigger than a grain of salt. They don't, however, have a taste. They can be soaked in water until they become gelatinous (just like putting them on a chia pet) and then stored in the refrigerator for weeks. I have a "texture issue" with most foods, so this doesn't really work for me. Instead, I add them into my morning smoothie or on top of a salad. I've also just discovered a GREAT recipe blog http://chia-seeds.org/. I need to try the pizza crust recipe and the turkey soup also looks pretty good. There are some pretty interesting ideas like "chia pudding" made with almond milk and a "chocolate chia coconut bar".
Try some...it can't hurt.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Exit Essay & Before/After Photo

I’m a 35-year old husband and father of two young boys—not the typical bio of most of the other Somae clients whose stories are posted here. I had not yet developed many of the full-blown ailments and conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, but I was well on my way.
I began my senior year in high school at about 155 pounds. By graduation I had gone up to nearly 190 pounds. Over the next 17 years I had continually added weight like the rings on a tree trunk. There were good years and bad years, one diet after another to try and keep it in check, but the sum total over 18 years was a net increase of 130 pounds.
Over the years I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver, elevated liver enzymes, herniated discs in both my lower back and neck which had led to muscle weakness in my arms and legs, depression and anxiety disorder, severe sleep apnea. Surprisingly, none of that was enough to convince me that I needed to make some real and permanent changes.
In May of 2010 I reached my all time high of 285 pounds. Shortly thereafter, the herniated disc in my neck became so bad that I was no longer able to lift my 1-year-old son without pain and weakness. I couldn’t throw a ball in the yard with my 4-year-old son or chase after him on his bike without losing my breath.
After 12 weeks, I have lost 45 pounds and feel better than I have in years. In fact, a friend recently asked me how it feels to have lost so much weight. The only response I could muster was, “It’s like I’ve given birth to a 4-year-old without any of the pain.”
The weight loss has been amazing, and I’m committed to losing more. But more importantly, I have learned to not just BE happy but to LIVE happy. Between the whole foods diet and targeted exercise, I have more energy, increased mental focus and, in general, a happier life. The top item on my Christmas wishlist is a full repair of the bicycle I’ve had hanging in storage for nearly 8 years so that I no longer have to chase after my 4-year-old, but I will now be able to ride right along side of him. I’m also in training for our region’s biggest 5K race in May 2011 with a goal of 40 minutes, which, coincidentally, is how long it took me to walk 1 mile on my first day of the Somae Plan in September.
I have also been excited to share my story with others. Not only have I tried to tell every one of my co-workers, colleagues, friends and relatives, but I have maintained the “My Somae Life” blog at http://mysomaelife.blogspot.com since shortly before I started on my Somae journey. With almost 2000 hits from 30 states and 15 foreign countries, my level of accountability has been very high and my ups-and-downs have been very public. Sharing this journey with my immediate family has also been very rewarding. While my two young children haven’t completely adopted a whole foods lifestyle, they are much more likely to ask for an apple or orange at snack time than they had been.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my Personal Somae Mentor, Lisa, and my personal physician, Dr. Paul Rupp, who has also been featured in the Somae Healthy Bites email. Their tremendous support has been critical through this process. Lisa was available for both quick questions and more lengthy consultations, including in the midst of an “apple day” crisis or when I was ready to jump off my “weight plateau”. Dr. Rupp was quite insistent that I consider the Somae option, and his positive example is what ultimately convinced me to proceed. The mentoring process and physician support have been essential to maintaining my sanity and motivation through this process. My eternal gratitude goes to both of them.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Snow Day
I'm going to change the format of the blog a little bit. I'll be using a title only, instead of the "Phase/Day" format since it could get a little bit confusing since, technically, I am no longer on the Somae "Plan". I'll also be using only my current weight unless I reach another milestone.
Anyway...today was a snow day for the school where I work, but I still got in a few hours. At home, I spent a couple of hours shoveling and clearing snow. I was able to make a nice salad for lunch...in fact, I had been craving a salad, if you can believe it. This evening I added some grains back into my diet with a small portion of shrimp scampi. It's been so long since I've had any amount of pasta or butter that it was a little much for me. But, the fact that I ate shrimp that didn't have a thick coating of breading on it is an illustration of just how much my tastes have changed over the last 12 weeks.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Phase 4, Day 2: The Power of Mentors
Total Weight Lost: 45.0 pounds
Today was my final telephone call with my Personal Somae Mentor, Lisa. She has been a great coach and cheerleader along my 12 week journey. We've had our differences, but she has always been in my corner even if others were not. I've heard that there are some other weight loss programs that use a mentor-like person to guide you through the process, and I think that the personal attention is important. It's difficult to explain to someone who hasn't experienced a 500-calorie diet or who hasn't had to do an "apple day" exactly how you're feeling, but a mentor can be an incredibly useful tool to get through it.
I hope that some of the information that I've shared thus far through this blog has been half as useful as the guidance I've received from Lisa. But never fear, I'm not going anywhere...the blog will continue.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Phase 4, Day 1: Good-bye Somae Plan, Hello Somae Life!
Total Weight Lost: 44.6 pounds
As the saying goes, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life." After 12 weeks, I have reached my goal of 230 pounds--down from a starting point of 274.6 pounds and an all-time high of 285 pounds in May. I've reached this goal, but have not finished with living a healthier lifestyle full of nutritious foods, exercise and a commitment to avoiding many of the triggers which led to my weight gain in the first place.
Someone close to me asked in the last couple of days, "So, when is the diet over?" I was a little taken aback by the question since I had thought that the idea of a "lifestyle change" was self-explanatory. Today I have officially completed the first 3 phases of the Somae Plan. I am now on Phase 4, which is really my transition into a non-managed eating and exercise regimen. I don't have prescribed menus or supplements anymore, but it's now up to me to make the changes permanent.
The next several days will be full of reflection as I look back at my 12-week milestones and setbacks and try to make a map for myself moving forward.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Phase 3, Day 23: Exercise and Goal Setting
Total Weight Lost: 45.6 pounds
So, a long time ago (probably while still in high school) I came up with excuses as to why I didn't (or couldn't) exercise. It probably dates back to my wresting days running bleachers in the gym and running ad nauseum in the hallways. Over the years, I became "too busy", and then "too heavy", and then "too busy" again. Over the last two months or so, I have gradually been increasing my amount of exercise, mostly in the form of walking, and more recently, walking interspersed with jogging. Tonight I took a longer route (2 miles or so) and completed it in 3 minutes less than the it took me the first time I walked a mile.
Which brings me to goal setting. My Somae mentor Lisa reminded me about the importance of setting goals in our weekly phone call this week. When I started the Somae journey in September, I set a number of goals. I've met all of them, and while I have slipped from time to time on some of my snack food habits, I have managed to lose more than 45 pounds and am feeling amazing. So now, my next goals.
Goal 1: I will remain below 230 pounds, while making an attempt to go lower.I have, officially, only 2 more days on the Somae Plan, but the Somae Lifestyle is now a permanent part of my life.
Goal 2: I will continue eating a diet comprised almost entirely of whole foods.
Goal 3: I will get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and more if I am able.
Goal 4: I will continue reading labels on foods to ensure that the food I buy (for myself and my family) contains as few processed ingredients as possible.
Goal 5: I will maintain my healthy lifestyle including exercise and avoiding or minimizing stress.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
RECIPE: Curry Cranberry Chicken
Curry Cranberry Chicken
1 pound (precooked weight) skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup dried cranberries (more or less to preference)
1 large chopped onion
coconut oil (or EVOO), sea salt, pepper, garlic, curry powder
Organic mayonnaise (for Phase 1 or Phase 4 of Somae Plan)
- Poach or steam the chicken and shred it.
- Saute onions in small amount of coconut oil.
- As the onions are close to being done, add cranberries to saute pan.
- When onions are done, remove from heat and mix in bowl with chicken, curry powder (2 tbsp or to taste), sea salt and pepper (to taste).
- (For Phase 1 and 4 only) When cool, add organic mayonnaise to preferred consistency/creaminess.
Phase 3, Day 18: Eating to Live
Total Weight Lost: 45.6 pounds
After an amazing weekend playing in the snow and getting Christmas decorations up (ok, so the tree and window candles are done), I was walking through the grocery store today when a I had an epiphany. The words aren't original, but the impact was VERY real.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Phase 3, Day 15: The Day After a Reset Day
Weight: 230.0 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 44.6 pounds
Phase 3 has opened up a wide array of foods, but there are still "hiccups" and "plateaus" to battle. My weight had started creeping up again and I was experiencing pretty low energy levels, so I had to do what is called a "Reset Day". Basically, it is intended to reset my metabolism to burn fat more efficiently. As simple as it sounds, it was pretty rough.
I was already experiencing pretty low energy levels, but the Reset Day consists of a liquid fast all day (water and tea only), ending the day with a 10-12 ounce steak and a large tomato or apple. That steak could not come quick enough as I was dragging by the end of the day.
Fortunately, though, I was able to drop 1.2 pounds since yesterday morning and am feeling much better today. I even managed to get out and walk for about 15 minutes at lunch time.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Phase 3, Day 13: Post Thanksgiving Recap
Total Weight Lost: 45.0 pounds
I survived the Thanksgiving glut pretty well, gaining only 1 pound over the entire weekend. In fact, this was the first time I can remember a Thanksgiving dinner where I didn't feel absolutely sick afterward. I had turkey and some cranberries, steamed green beans, some veggies from a relish tray...and I was good. In all honesty, I did partake in having a homemade yeast rolls made by my mother-in-law, but I had promised myself one before we even left for the trip.
For those of you in Ohio, you already know what the weather has been like...almost 7" of rain in the last week, so my amount of exercise has suffered. I did however get to take one brief walk down a country lane while at my in-laws. It included a hill I wouldn't have dared walk for pleasure anytime in recent memory. While it was a leisurely stroll with my wife, I had no troubles breathing, no muscle cramping, no fatigue. I felt exhilarated and refreshed...AFTER exercising. It was an amazing feeling, though I decided that I definitely needed some better shoes. I bought a decent pair of shoes this afternoon and can't wait to try them out.
I had a great call with my Somae mentor Lisa today. Her positive attitude has been a great counterbalance to my sometimes cynical/grumpy mood. Since I've been hanging at the -45 pound mark for a little over a week, she challenged me to make the -50 pound milestone. I'm convinced I can do it, and am recommitting to make it happen this week. My official last day on the Somae Plan is December 12, but it's still only just begun...a lifetime of healthier living is still ahead of me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Phase 3, Day 7: Thanksgiving Eve
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
Well, I won't be posting for at least a few days since I will be "off the grid" in southeastern Ohio for Thanksgiving. Similarly, I'm taking myself "off the scale" for the same timeframe. It's not that I'm going to splurge for the holiday, in fact, I'm pretty excited about finding healthy alternatives on the biggest eating day of the year. I want to surprise myself when I return from our holiday trip and find that I've lost weight. In fact, I'm packing food to take with me that I know can be used in a pinch should healthy options not be available on the table.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Phase 3, Day 5: GOAL and then some
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds
On Saturday morning I awoke to find that I had reached my 12-week goal of 230 pounds. I was excited, a little bit amazed, and immediately committed to lose more. As I reflect back on the last 9 weeks, it seems impossible that I have lost so much weight. Sure, there have been some rough times with plateaus and even some weight spikes, but I have learned so much about how my body responds to certain foods and I feel absolutely amazing.
I have another 3 weeks or so on Phase 3, but I have also come to realize that this lifestyle change doesn't end when I reach 12 weeks...it's a LIFESTYLE change. I've discovered new salad combinations, smoothie recipes, and exercises that I can really sustain in order to be a healthier person ALL of the time. One of the greatest accomplishments has been working with my kids so that they now choose healthy options (whole-grain crackers, fruit, etc.) for snack rather than always going for "gummy snacks" or cookies.
Thanks to everyone for their support, and keep the good words coming as I keep heading for 200.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Phase 3, Day 2: Stabilization
Total Weight Lost: 43.8 pounds
Phase 3 of the Somae Plan is called "Stabilization", meaning the period where my body adjusts to its new lower weight, my hypothalamus resets and my metabolism ramps back up to burn the food I eat rather than storing the energy as fat.
The first major difference between Phase 2 and Phase 3 is that I am now able to eat a much more diverse diet including a wide array of fruits and vegetables that were off limits in Phase 2 due to their higher caloric content or lower nutritional density. I'm excited that I can now start having a fruit smoothie in the morning using soy or coconut milk, some whey protein and frozen berries, although the "weight" of the smoothie was a bit of a shock to my stomach this morning. I'm also able to start adding in nuts and seeds and higher quantities of other fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I'm adding these back in gradually so that my body has a chance to adjust and my metabolism starts speeding up slowly.
The second major difference is that I can start exercising. During Phase 2 I was encouraged to walk at least 30 minutes each day--which I did on most days--but now I can start adding in some weight training and other more physical exercises to keep my metabolism running on all cylinders. Yesterday, after starting to feel a little tired in the afternoon, I managed to walk and jog on the treadmill for about 20 minutes. I can't remember the last time I jogged! I was a little weak afterward, but it felt good to know that I could do it. I'll do it again today, though I think I need to invest in some better shoes if I'm going to make it a regular habit.
On the sleep front, last night was my third straight night of at least 7 hours of relatively uninterrupted sleep. That has made a huge difference in my general mood in the morning and throughout the day. Now, if I can only get my 4 year old to stay out of my bed in the night, it would be even better.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Phase 2, Day 49: Last Day of Phase 2
Total Weight Lost: 42.2 pounds
Today is my last day of Phase 2. Typically, Phase 2 last for 45 days but I was lagging a little behind in the weight loss and I had a few extra doses of hCG so, in consultation with my Somae Mentor Lisa, I extended my time by 4 days.
As you can see, my weight bounced back up again but is now moving downward again. Lisa and I chatted yesterday about what can cause such fluctuations. How's this for a checklist:
-not getting enough sleep (check)
-letting stress get to me (check)
-eating after 7pm (check)
Stress, sleep deprivation and eating late in the evening can all trigger the release of a "stress hormone" known as cortisol. From medicinenet.com, "Cortisol has been termed the "stress hormone" because excess cortisol is secreted during times of physical or psychological stress, and the normal pattern of cortisol secretion (with levels highest in the early morning and lowest at night) can be altered. This disruption of cortisol secretion may not only promote weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight."
So, what are the answers? Last night I slept for almost nine hours (not including interruptions from our 4 year old climbing in bed with us and jabbing me in the back with his knees). I took some exercise before work this morning by helping a local business owner clean out part of his basement for things he was donating to the school. And, I had nothing to eat after diner last night other than a glass of water.
I'm feeling great today. It's also my LAST day on the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), so tomorrow I begin working my way up to the whole foods diet that I will continue for the next 25 days (and beyond). I'm looking forward to a little more diversity in my diet, but am a little anxious about Thanksgiving being only a week away.
I am intending to devote an entire post to my reflections on hCG and the injections I had to take for the last 7 weeks or so. Keep an eye out....
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Phase 2, Day 43: Big Boy Underwear
Total Weight Lost: 42.4 pounds
So, I thought the title was a little clever at first, now I just think it's funny....but I'm going to keep it for this reason. Today was the first time in as long as I can remember that I am wearing underwear that do not contain an "X" in the size. I'm wearing a large as opposed to an extra large, while my tshirts have all moved from XXL to XL. So, I'm wearing "big boy" underwear instead of "REALLY big boy underwear".
My weight has plateaued a bit so today was an "apple day" meaning nothing but apples and water. I did discover, however, a NEW variety (at least for me) in Kiku. I'm not sure that it's a Whole Foods Market exclusive, but it's the only place I've ever seen them. Really tasty, nice and firm, with a tart taste at first followed by a sweet and juicy finish. YUMMY!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Phase 2, Day 41: 2.6 pounds to go in 4 weeks
Total Weight Lost: 42.0 pounds
What an amazing, educational, shocking, depressing, exhilarating, inspiring 8 weeks it has been since I started the Somae Plan on September 14th. I blew through the "40 pounds lost" milestone yesterday and tacked on another 1.6 pounds by this morning and I'm feeling GREAT. My goal, set 8 weeks ago, was to reach 230 pounds by the end of 12 weeks. I am now just 2.6 pounds from that goal and have decided to keep on going since my body is easily maintaining the current rate of loss and my energy is high. In fact, I'm going to add another couple days on the hCG "Phase 2" since I have some of the medication left and have been told that there would be no adverse consequences to finish it out.
Over the past 8 weeks, I've really found out how good it can feel when I'm getting all of the nutrition I need to be productive without all of the extra fat, fillers and artificial ingredients. I've become a master of reading labels (though it can make shopping trips a little longer), a fan of spinach and even tofu (I tried a little today...heavily seasoned), and my jaws have become much stronger from all of the apples I've been eating (I figured that I've eaten more than 120 apples in the last 56 days).
Thanks to all of you posting comments here or on Facebook...Keep them coming!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Phase 2, Day 39: My Romance with Food
Total Weight Lost: 39.0 pounds
So, in a doctor's office visit my primary care physician complimented be on my blog and successes thus far, but commented that it almost seems that I have a "romantic affair" with food, and that this might point to some of the reasons why I've struggled over the past week or two. I wasn't REALLY sure what he was talking about, but I promised to reflect on it. I mentioned to my wife what he had said, and she agreed.
So, I went back and read some of my early posts. I recognized that, subconsciously, I was describing my food (even the not-so-great foods) in ways that truly did indicate that I LOVE FOOD. The food I was eating upstaged descriptions of how I was feeling or how my life was changing as a result of my weight loss. When I think back to the questions I had for other "Somae Planners" before starting the diet they weren't about energy levels, exercise, or lifestyle changes. They were, "what did you eat on Day 23", "what does your daily menu look like," and "what's your new favorite food?"
One of the things I have realized over the course of this weight loss and lifestyle change is that, yes, I can still love eating food but I can't lose sight of the fact that eating is a method of giving my body nourishment. Period. The things I eat should taste good, but they should also be healthy. Sorry, pretty lady, I'm saving this dance for someone else.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Phase 2, Day 38: Purging the Snack Food and Temptation
Total Weight Lost: 36.2 pounds
I spent a good part of the morning today ridding the house of some of the most tempting snack foods. I'm a carb junkie, and have been since I was a kid--in fact, I can remember stories of my sitting and eating half a loaf of bread or half-a-dozen Little Debbie oatmeal pies at a sitting.
Sweets have never been a weakness of mine at home--just ask my wife. She's a tremendous baker, but when she makes a cake, pie or even breads, I almost never touch them. Just ask my oldest son. We still had a tremendous amount of Easter candy (not to mention Halloween 2009 candy) in a basket when we brought home candy from last weekend's trick-or-treat (yes, we threw out the old stuff, finally).
My weakness are the true "snacky" foods like chips, crackers, Goldfish crackers, pretzels. What did I buy for my son's birthday party last weekend? Chips. Crackers. Pretzels. We haven't had a lot of these things in the house since I started the Somae Plan in September, but all of a sudden, they were readily available...and I knew it. So, out they go. In an early morning grocery run this morning, I picked up some more apples including some smaller ones for the boys to snack on with me today since we're bachelors for a few hours while Mommy is out shopping. Together with the grapes, carrots and other healthy snacks in the house, we should all be better for it.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Phase 2, Day 37: Back in the Saddle
Total Weight Lost: 34.6 pounds
After a rough couple of days, my mind and spirit are clear again. What has become clear to me of over the past 24 hours or so is that I skipped some steps in the very beginning of my Somae journey and have become complacent during my weight loss, both of which have come back to haunt me now.
First, the biggest step I skipped was that I failed to really take a look at how and why food has had such a huge place in my life. One of the things I've managed to learn over the last 8 weeks is that food, while it should be enjoyed, should be primarily a source of sustenance and not a substitute for the other things in life that can give us comfort and satisfaction. In fact, even during my snacking binges earlier this week, I never felt satisfied. I felt guilty. I felt disappointment. It's my wife and kids that have been my source of comfort and satisfaction for the first 6 weeks of this journey, but for some reason, I started letting food take center stage over the last week or so. Why?
So, I have been "on protocol" for more almost 72 hours, meaning no cheats, unhealthy snacks, or consuming anything that I shouldn't be on this Very Low Calorie Diet Phase 2. I'm optimistic that I can stick with it and reap the benefits that are just around the corner. Along the way, I'll be sure to go back and identify some of the other more specific "food triggers", but my "comforts" are upstairs asleep...and I need to join them now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Phase 2, Day 36: Peeing Like a Racehorse
Total Weight Lost: 33.4 pounds
Well, I've managed to move the scale downward again. I ended up having more than a gallon of water yesterday (that equates to just over 8 pounds), so I must have managed to flush myself of a lot of the excess salt I consumed on Tuesday night. Unfortunately, I think that I may have a pound of mucus and phlegm in my head and chest this morning because I am sicker than a dog. Seasonal allergies have been a problem for me since my early 20's, but the last 8 weeks had been pretty good and I had been pretty asymptomatic even without my daily antihistamine, but WOW, this morning I'm feeling pretty rough.
Though I won't go into details here (sorry, a little TOO personal), I've developed some bad habits in my attempt to lose weight and keep losing weight. Let's just say I can now understand the emotional, psychological and even physical responses that many (especially young women) in our society deal with when considering self-image and weight. One of the key components of lasting weight loss (and lifestyle change) is recognizing my "triggers" for eating and over-consumption, but I'm having difficulty identifying those events or situations that have led to the last few days of snacking. So, I'm going to make some phone calls today to see if I can have someone else help me talk through it.
Before anyone gets concerned, I'm in a good place mentally and emotionally. I want to make sure that the changes that I have been able to make over the past 7 weeks are permanent ones and that I don't fall back into old habits, or worse yet, develop some that are even less healthy than before.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Phase 2, Day 35:Tortilla Chips=1, Me=0
Total Weight Lost: 32.4 pounds
That's right, up 3 pounds from yesterday. Why? Well I did eat close to 5 pounds of apples and drank a little over 4 pounds of water, but that should have cleared out by this morning. I went on a snack food bender last night. I ate some tortilla chips....a lot of tortilla chips. So many that the only reason I think I quit was because I had scraped the sides of my mouth by shoveling them in so quickly that the salt began to burn my lips.
I can't ever remember a time where I ate so much yet was so unsatisfied. Maybe it was that I was having a rough night. Maybe it was because I was bored after getting the kids to bed. Maybe it was because I was mourning the loss of the House of Representatives....I don't know, but I just couldn't stop.
Needless to say, I have felt like crap all day today. I have said it before, but I have never had very strong willpower. For the first several weeks of the Somae Plan, I never really even felt tempted to binge, so I didn't really consider the willpower aspect. But now, I have no choice. I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to sabotage or erase another day's worth of progress, let alone 8 weeks of progress.
Please remember me in your prayers, meditation, or other form of reflection of asking of blessings. I have another 2 weeks, give or take, until I finish the weight loss portion of this program...and I need all of the Divine intervention I can get.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Total Weight Lost: 35.4 pounds
I'm off my plateau, but still taking an apple day today to make sure the scale keeps moving downward. Breaking the 240 pound mark was huge as I had been flirting with it for a week or more. My goal for 12 weeks was to reach 230 pounds (44.6 pounds lost). I'm currently wrapping up week 7 and am less than 10 pounds from my goal.
Realistically, I know I can hit it. The optimist in me, however, would like to see 225 or even 220 by the end. Here's to the magical power of Honeycrisp apples!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Phase 2, Day 33: Unexplained Absence
Total Weight Lost: 33.6 pounds
In a recent article I read about weight loss, it said that journaling can be an important motivational tool during any prolonged weight loss program. I had kept to it almost religiously during the first month or more of my weight loss with the Somae Health program, but the past 2 weeks or so my journaling has dropped off. Not surprisingly, my weight loss has slowed since I'm not holding myself accountable by "putting it out there" for everyone to see.
I've plateaued for awhile now, and will be having an apple day on Tuesday. My weight had started trending downward but I indulged over the weekend for my 4-year old's birthday and Halloween. Not much candy, but a few more chips and salty snacks than I should be having. Despite being disappointed, I have managed to keep my mood up.
I am hereby recommitting myself to daily posts for the remainder of my Somae journey...please share your comments!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Phase 2, Day 28: Candy Season
Total Weight Lost: 32.8 pounds
I've never been a big candy eater. My weaknesses have always been salty snacks and bread. In fact, we still have Halloween 2009 candy sitting around. But while my cravings and impulses to eat salty snacks and bread have diminished (or disappeared altogether), my impulse to have candy or something sweet has increased.
My boss's office is always stocked with mini candy bars. I walk into a drug store or supermarket, I notice the candy at the checkout lane that I would have passed by without a second thought in the past. And now, Trick-or-Treat season is upon us. My 3 (almost 4) year old is going on a trick-or-treat outing with school today and I'm chaperoning. He and his younger brother will be going out again on the 31st, which is also a day after his 4th birthday full of cake and ice cream. Temptation is all around me, but alas, I am resisting.
One of the things that has helped is that my weight is moving downward again. A second thing that has helped are HONEYCRISP APPLES. I don't know if these are a new variety or if I have just discovered them, but they are amazing. Each one at my local supermarket is about 3/4 of a pound (or more) and bigger than a softball. Since I can eat only two apples a day on the current phase of the Somae Health plan, I'm making the most of it. Super juicy, super sweet and SUPER CRISP, these apples help stem the tide of sweet cravings.
Note to self (and everyone else), you don't have to let go of my butterfinger. :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
? thing I feel like doing is eating...a lot.
While I recognize the changes I've undergone, I can find comfort in nothing at this moment...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Phase 2, Day 23: Ugh!
Total Weight Lost: 30.8 pounds
My mood is a little better today, but I'm still dragging. As you can see, my weight is still hanging at around 244 (5th day) so you know what that means....APPLE DAY!!!!!
So, I'm doing a modified apple day today. 6 apples, a LOT of water, and some red meat for dinner with a tomato. I'm not looking forward to it, but hopefully it will get the scale moving downward again and maybe get me feeling a little better (emotionally and physically).
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Phase 2, Day 22: Blah!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What does 30 pounds look like?

This is me at 274 pounds and now at 244 pounds. As I looked at this, I didn't immediately see a whole lot of difference until I looked at my eyes, my mouth and my shoulders. You can click on the image for a higher-res version.
Phase 2, Day 21: Shhh, don't tell my wife...
Total Weight Lost: 30.6 pounds
Well, weight loss as measured by the scale has slowed down (again), but the physical transformation continues. This morning, my wedding ring fell off--not once but three times. It's probably a combination of less fluid retention adn cooler weather, but it was a good feeling that something has been a part of me for more than 10 years is now...well, too big.
My pants, too, have become way too baggy. I've had to wear jeans the last two days because my standard khaki pants look like clown pants they're so big. I've had to add another notch in my belt (4 total) for a little over 5-inches in extra length. I'm also wearing a turtleneck and pullover jacket that were snug (at best) a year ago, but now fit REALLY nicely.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Phase 2, Day 19: 30 pounds in the books
Total Weight Lost: 30.2 pounds
I passed 30 pounds this morning. The past few days have been pretty good as I've been averaging just over a pound lost per day and I'm still feeling great. Two of the "complications" I had been experiencing earlier in this phase, namely constipation and hemorrhoids, have finally passed (so to speak). There are a few things I've tried to do to avert those uncomfortable side-effects: I've increased my water consumption back up to at least 3-quarts of water per day, I've inserted about 30-minutes of walking each day, and I've begun taking an herbal tea in the evenings that contains Senna leaf, among other things, which has a gentle (and natural) laxative effect so everything comes out a lot easier.
I even had an opportunity to have a small piece of birthday cake yesterday (though I passed on the ice cream) for my grandmother-in-law who turned 90 years old. It's amazing how sickeningly sweet cake and icing can be...though I'll admit, I would have loved to have more.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Phase 2, Day 17: Lose 10% or your money back
Total Weight Lost: 27.8 pounds
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days...not a whole lot going on. My weigh-in on Friday had me flat from Thursday's weigh-in, so that was a little disappointing. Woke up this morning anticipating another "apple day", but dropped another 0.8 pounds so it took me beyond the 10% total weight lost at 27.8 total pounds.
In the grand scheme of things, it's another amazing milestone. In a month and two days, I've lost 10% of my body weight. WOW! But there's another milestone that just cost me some money....I have passed Somae Health's "money back guarantee" level. Oh well, I wouldn't give up the way I feel for any amount of money.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Phase 2, Day 15: "Get Over It"
Total Weight Lost: 27.2 pounds

This journey has been quite an adventure. I'm 1/3 of the way through Phase 2, referred to as the "Accelerated Weight Loss" phase. That means 1/3 of the way through my 500-600 calorie per day diet. I'll admit that I can't wait to be able to eat more substantial food each day, but it's more that I would love to have the option of eating more.
I'm not hungry, though I am noticing that I am having cravings a little more frequently...but my cravings have changed. Before I started the Somae Plan, I craved salty foods--pretzels, potato chips, etc. Now, I crave sweet foods. I am able to eat fruit each day, so I try mixing my choices between apples and strawberries when I can and that stems the sweet cravings.
I've also had some VERY specific cravings, and some of them are very odd ones for me. I jokingly say that it's the hCG--the natural hormone produced by women during pregnancy and which I am injecting 6 days per week as a part of my weight loss regimen--coursing through my body. The cravings aren't as strange as pickles and ice cream, but things like tomatoes...I HATED raw tomatoes before I started this weight loss, but now I really enjoy them. I've also been craving more than anything (and it literally hits me at least once a day) a cheese coney. For those of you from Cincinnati, you probably understand. I'm a Gold Star guy and, living on the West Side, have become a fan of Price Hill Chili...both of which make a KILLER cheese coney. These are the only two restaurants that I will drive by and undoubtedly get the desire to pull in.
So, my solution is to try and make a healthier alternative at home this evening. I have some 94% fat free ground beef thawing in the refrigerator and when I get home, I'm going to try a Cincinnati-style chili recipe that fits within my calorie restrictions....Mmmmmmmm, cinnamon.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A new "Before and Now" picture

Phase 2, Day 13: On the road again
Total Weight Lost: 25.2 pounds
Well, I appear to be off the plateau, losing 0.8 pounds since yesterday morning. Eating nothing but 6 apples yesterday was rough, but not in the way you might think. I had trouble finishing them all, but I've definitely learned that I like firm apples more than softer ones and going from a "Golden Delicious" to a "Granny Smith" can be quite a shock to the tastebuds.
So what have I learned from this experience? I now recognize what emotional eating looks and feels like, and that it doesn't make you feel better in the long run. I realize that when I "cheat" on this Phase of my weight loss, I'm only cheating myself. I've also learned how important support from family and friends can be in making it through difficult spots on this journey.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Phase 2, Day 12: Trying to Jump Off a Plateau
Total Weight Lost: 24.4 pounds
I'm reminded of one of my favorite views in the world. In the Beartooth Mountains of Montana is an area known as "Hellroaring Plateau". It gets it's name for the ferocity of the storms that form over the mountains and roar across the largely flat area. As beautiful as it is, it's not someplace you want to get caught when the storm is bearing down.

So, today's effort, recommended by my personal mentor Lisa, is an "apple day". Rather than my typical Phase 2 diet of 2 servings of protein, 2 veggies, and 2 fruits, all I'm having is 6 apples and water. Hopefully this will restart the weight loss. I'm about halfway through the day and still feeling fine. I'm going to experiment with an apple/cinnamon bake this evening just to mix it up.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Phase 2, Day 10: A Much Needed Night Out
Total Weight Lost: N/A
Sorry all, no weigh-in this morning since my wife and I took a much needed night out and away from the stresses of a messy house, crying babies and a needy dog. We had a delicious dinner (while staying on my diet protocol) at Palomino, watched part of the Reds game on Fountain Square and then retired to our unimaginable room at The Cincinnatian Hotel. Other than the Reds losing the game, it was a very relaxing way to celebrate my milestones and to just unwind with my amazing wife...who needed the night away probably even more than I did.
More tomorrow...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Phase 2, Day 9: Passing 250
Total Weight Lost: 25.0 pounds
Milestones are everything. I met two of them this morning by getting below 250 pounds for the first time in probably 8 or 9 years and by having lost 25 pounds in the last 24 days.
That being said, yesterday was a rough day. I switched up my menu by having strawberries instead of an apple and by having cucumbers at lunch rather than some other vegetable. My blood sugar was out of balance for most of the afternoon so I was a little cranky and had periods of lightheadedness when I would exert myself much at all. I did end up having an extra piece of fruit last night and it seems to have worked as I do feel better this morning. I'm going to keep an extra apple or orange on me at all times from now on just in case.
My wife and I are having a night out tonight, so it will be my first foray into restaurant dining on my very low calorie diet (VLCD). It certainly is not recommended to eat in restaurants on this phase because of all of the hidden calories and fats (not to mention temptations) on a restaurant menu, but I will choose wisely.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Some More "Before" Photos

Phase 2, Day 8: Amazing...and Apples
Total Weight Lost: 23.4 pounds
I'm amazed. I'm not sure how many times I've said that over the last 23 days, but I'm just amazed. 23.4 pounds in 23 days? Without feeling starved or tired? It looks as though I could hit two pretty significant milestones by Saturday...breaking the 250 pound barrier and losing 25 pounds total. I will also be taking measurements in the next week or so to see how many inches I've lost. I know that it will be fairly significant.
I wore a pair of pants yesterday which I bought maybe two months ago, and it will probably be the last time I can wear them. I had to have a belt or else they would literally fall to the floor on their own. I decided they will be my "before pants" to hold up for cameras when I become famous for my weight loss.
I'm feeling great again today. Took hCG injection after a day off and will be having a cup of strawberries this morning, a chicken breast and sliced cucumber for lunch, an apple for afternoon snack and...still not sure about dinner. One of the great things I've been able to do is to try a whole variety of apples over the last few weeks. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jazz, Braeburn, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp and Fuji so far. Right now, Braeburns are my favorite I think...firm but not hard, sweet with a little tartness, and a LOT of juice. My youngest son really likes them, too.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Phase 1, Day 7: Skip Day
Total Weight Lost: 22.2 pounds
On every 7th day, I will skip my daily injections of hCG. This hormone has shown that a resistance or tolerance can be created if injections continue indefinitely, so the skip or rest day allows the body to readjust to not having the injection every day.
Yesterday, I had an amazing opportunity to attend a youth summit on nutrition and exercise from a program called Fuel Up to Play 60. It's an amazing program through a partnership of the American Dairy Association and the NFL (locally, the Cincinnati Bengals) that works to fight childhood obesity. 8 students from the school where I work were chosen to attend, and each of them received a lot of information on healthy eating and getting proper exercise.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Phase 1, Day 6: Let the Good Times Roll!
Total Weight Lost: 21.6 pounds
The measurable weight loss has begun again, losing another 2.4 pounds since yesterday morning. I'm a realist and I know that this kind of drop won't (and can't) happen every day, but it is a real psychological boost when it does.
A point of clarification on yesterday's post which included a reference to the hCG injections I'm taking. While I mentioned that the hCG hormone can "stem cravings, hunger pains and tiredness," I failed to mention HOW it does this. hCG is a hormone responsible in pregnant women for ensuring that their embryo/fetus are receiving enough nutrition by permitting the body to burn stored fat and turn it into energy for both mother and baby. In my body, it is allowing me to burn between 2,000 and 2,500 calories per day of stored fat. This, combined with the 500-600 calories I'm consuming through food, means that I'm actually burning about 3,000 calories per day--hence the fact that I'm not feeling tired or hungry during the day.
Again, if you're finding these posts helpful, or even just entertaining, please support me in the Somae Challenge at http://www.somaechallenge.com/?p=202
Monday, October 4, 2010
Go to http://www.somaechallenge.com/?p=202 and click the "Vote for Me" button on the bottom of the page. Please share this with your friends...I could really use the $10,000 grand prize. :)
What is a VLCD?
A typical VLCD meal plan looks like the following:
Breakfast: Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, water, and all of the herbal tea I can drinkYesterday, we tried two new recipes from the Somae Health cookbook, but you can also find other great recipes online and in various whole foods cookbooks. One of our favorites is from William's Sonoma and the Mayo Clinic.
AM Snack: 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 cup of strawberries or 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch: 3.5 ounces of protein from list below, 1 cup of veggies from list below, (grain if needed)
PM Snack: 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 cup of strawberries or 1/2 grapefruit
Dinner: 3.5 ounces of protein from list below, 1 cup of veggies from list below, (grain if needed)
After-dinner boost: herbal tea
Drinks: at least 64 ounces of water each day
Acceptable Protein (3.5 ounces)
chicken breast, ground beef (93% lean), cod, flounder, haddock, orange roughy, grouper, tilapia, lobster, crab, lean steak, deer, buffalo, elk, and for vegetarians, 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites
Acceptable Veggies (1 cup)
asparagus, beet greens, butter lettuce, cabbage, celery, chard, collards, cucumber, endive, mustard greens, onions, radish, romaine lettuce, spinach, tomato, turnip greens, watercress
Acceptable grains (1 of the following)
Grissini breadstick, stoned wheat thin (1), Melba toast (1), Melba Snacks (2)
It's amazing how creative you can get with the use of herbs and spices. We had a chicken vegetable soup yesterday for lunch and lemon-dill whitefish with steamed broccoli for dinner. For those who don't know me well, I NEVER eat fish, but I really enjoyed the whitefish (cod) which I bought fresh from the fish counter at Kroger's. I liked it so much, I'm having leftovers again for lunch. Tonight on the menu, Southwestern Tilapia Bake.
Phase 2, Day 5: The Post Load Weigh-In
Total Weight Lost: 19.2 pounds
Sorry about the hiatus yesterday. I really didn't have anything new to report and it was nice to
Today was my first official weigh-in after my fat loading days of Thursday and Friday. While I gained 0.4 pounds from my start point, I had actually gained a little over 8 pounds on those two days. I wasn't supposed to weigh until today because of the psychological effects an 8-pound gain could have, but it's been amazing to think that I've been able to get back so quickly. I also had to add a third extra hole to my belt this morning since I'm losing inches as well as pounds.
I feel great!!! Beginning on Thursday, I started taking injections of hCG (see earlier posts). The hCG is intended to stem cravings, hunger pains and tiredness while also permitting the body to more easily burn the fat my body has stored over the past 18 years. I tend to get hungry around dinner time, but find it difficult to eat the whole thing (3.5 oz of lean protein and 1 cup of veggies). I've never been one to leave food on my plate, but it was difficult last night. I'll post yesterday's menu (as well as a typical menu) later on...but it included *gulp* fish...which I NEVER eat.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Phase 2, Day 3: Everybody Poops
Total Weight Lost: 19.6 pounds
I've wanted to do a post on this topic for awhile, but hadn't had the correct motivation. This morning was my first on the VLCD (very low calorie diet), but the acronym might as well have stood for "very long constipated day". My diet for more than two weeks had consisted of a wide range of whole foods--fresh fruits and veggies with plenty of fiber. I was as regular as a fine Swiss timepiece. For the past two days I have been on a high fat diet with, unfortunately, almost no fiber. My body, and in particular, my digestive system was not happy. Are you shocked yet? Have I grossed you out? Why is it that a natural bodily function can make us so uncomfortable to discuss?
In 1957, the classic sitcom Leave It to Beaver was the first television show to depict a toilet tank. Censors refused to allow them to show the toilet bowl itself for fear of offending viewers. The 6 kids from The Brady Bunch shared a bathroom, but evidently, they didn't need a toilet. Archie Bunker shocked viewers (surprise!) on All in the Family when he emerged from the upstairs bathroom with the SOUND of a toilet flushing.
That has changed now when we see much more risque and suggestive things on tv than the lid of a toilet tank. But discussing our bowel habits, even with a doctor, is something that even the most liberated among us finds difficult.
In a former life, my wife worked for an organization founded to educate and advocate for the large but silent population of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and other functional gastrointestinal disorders. The stories I read from patients and from doctors pointed to the fact that communication--or lack thereof--were a large reason that so many such issues could go undiagnosed for years.
In the last decade, conversations about colorectal and prostate cancer have become much more public through the efforts of Katie Couric and the like, but serious conversations about "poop" are still much less likely than joking ones.
The point of this post is that our bowel habits can be a great indicator of our health and how our bodies are reacting to the foods we eat. We need not be embarrassed when we notice an unexpected change in our bathroom routine, but should instead be keenly aware of these changes and recognize that what we put in our bodies must...eventually...come out.
Friday, October 1, 2010
$100 Off Purchase of SOMAE PLAN

Phase 2, Day 2: The Day After
Total Weight Lost: 19.5 pounds
Oh my goodness. I ate so much yesterday that I thought for sure I was going to get sick. I was eating mayonnaise like it was going out of style. I also discovered that plain Greek yogurt is amazing...as a plaster substitute. :) It tastes fine with some sweetener and fruit, but it is as thick as Plaster of Paris.
I get to do it all again today. I'm going to try and go a little "lighter". I still have to maintain the high fat content, but am going to try and eat a few more nuts and seeds and a little less beef and mayonnaise.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Phase 2, Day 1: Eating Fat to Lose Weight?
Total weight lost: 19.6 pounds
This morning I started Phase 2, which means two things: fat loading and hCG injections. The injection went REALLY easy. I literally did not feel the needle go in, and I was doing it myself. I chose to inject it into my stomach based on recommendations from others. It's a teeny, tiny needle used for insulin shots, so no worries.
This morning I also begin a two-day binge on fat. Ok, so it's not really a binge, but for the first time since I started the whole foods diet two weeks ago, I'll be able to eat almost anything I want to. In fact, the higher the fat content the better. That means that things like mayonnaise, cheese, bacon and ham are back on the menu...for two days. I'm not a doctor, so the science of this is a little above my head, but I'll lay out what I have gathered from various conversations and my own reading.
The purpose of fat loading is well understood in the world of endurance sports where athletes are usually pretty lean but need an energy source to provide maximum output for an extended period of time (whereas carb-loading is good for shorter periods of time). Over the next 45 days or so, I'm going to convince my body that I am running a 45-day marathon and that I have plenty of fat available to sustain the pace.
It starts with the fat loading where I will get as much healthy fat into my bloodstream as possible from meats, nuts and seeds, cooking oils and a moderate amount of dairy. This will promote the creation of more fat-burning enzymes to help convert the fat to energy, but this fat will only last for a couple of days. These elevated enzymes, along with the introduction of hCG ( a natural human hormone used to reduce cravings and hunger pains and most importantly, resets the hypothalmus to burn body fat) through daily injections, will permit my body to start burning the fat reserves that were in place before I started the Somae plan.
Menu Planning has been difficult. As I type, I'm still trying to figure out what to do for lunch and dinner, but breakfast was pretty good. 3-egg omelet with heavy whipping cream and organic goat milk cheddar cheese, 4 pieces of bacon. I literally could not eat any more than this. One of the things with fat loading is that it supposed to be an almost constant eating of fat-rich foods all day, or what is referred to as "eating to capacity".
Some of the other foods in my arsenal are:
- sunflower seeds and fresh-made peanut butter
- organic Greek yogurt with berries
- chicken alfredo (easy on the fettucini)
- shrimp scampi with garlic butter sauce
- bacon & gruyere stuffed crab cakes from Whole Foods Market
- organic bittersweet dark chocolate chips (in small quantities)
- salad with full-fat ranch dressing.
With each of these, I'm looking for at least 75% (if not more) of the total calories to come from fat content. I'm going to try and avoid my old fast food haunts, so wish me luck.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Phase 1, Day 16: Adding a Healing Day
Total Weight Lost: 19.0 pounds
Today is my sixteenth day on the Somae plan, but
I'll be eating basically the same things I had in the first 10 days of the Somae plan, whole foods with a little protein added in at breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, I've been drinking a LOT of water. I had been averaging between 76oz and 92oz of water per day during the first 12 days, dipped to under 64oz on Day 13, but have made up for it with more than 120oz (1-gallon) per day on Days 14-16. Although it can be inconvenient to have to pee every 30-45 minutes, I know that I'm flushing a lot of salt and other stuff out. I do have to say, though, I haven't had a problem with dry skin in more than 2 weeks.
How am I feeling today? Kinda crummy. My energy levels are down a bit, but I'm not sure whether it's physical or psychological. My appetite is down a bit, too, so I haven't been eating as much today.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Phase 1, Day 15: A Day of Penance
Total Weight Lost: 18.6 pounds
Today, I will be staying on raw foods. I had been scheduled to add some protein into my diet today before moving to the fat loading tomorrow, but because of my slips on Sunday, I need to spend a little more time on raw foods to eliminate some of the the salt I added through soy sauce and potato chips. When I looked at the scale yesterday morning and saw that I had gained 2.6 pounds overnight, undoing 4 days of weight loss and sacrifice...I was distraught.
I'm exhausted. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Last night I finished a late meeting after 8pm, missed dinner (other than a handful of broccoli), and came home to a quiet house since everyone had already gone to bed. I wanted nothing more than to drive to Wendy's and get some burgers and fries. I immediately recognized that it was an emotional response and was able to "talk myself down".
I managed to shave off 0.6 pounds since yesterday morning, so I'm heading back in the right direction but I'm still at the same point that I was 4 days ago which is frustrating. I'm hoping that I can make some more progress heading into my fat loading days.
Monday, September 27, 2010
hCG and Weight Loss
On Wednesday, I will begin a 45-day regimen of daily (6 days per week) injections of hCG to accelerate and maintain my weight loss. hCG is most often prescribed as part of fertility treatments, but it's use as a weight loss aid has become pretty popular in the last decade or so. When combined with a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), hCG has been shown to promote the loss of 1/2 to 1-pound of weight per day. In the Somae Plan, this phase is referred to as "Accelerated Weight Loss."
If hCG occurs naturally, why do I need injections? Well, hCG does occur naturally in humans (note the 'h'), but is found usually in women during pregnancy. Studies in the 1960's found (with some controversy) that hCG helped pregnant women maintain enough energy and provide enough nutrition for developing embryos and fetuses by assisting with the conversion of body fat to usable energy. As I said, this is controversial and not all organizations accept that hCG can or should be used for weight loss.
Despite the fact that the federal Food & Drug Administration has not approved hCG for weight loss, there are wealth of companies and organizations using hCG treatments for just that purpose. I chose Somae Health because of the answers I received not only from their staff but also from others who I knew or met as a result of my research. Just taking a drug without a support structure is a recipe for failure, I think.
If it hasn't become obvious to you, I am a skeptic at heart. I hate needles and I hate ingesting (let alone injecting) anything of which I am not 100% sure. I have seen the results in others who have used hCG, and I'm looking forward to seeing the same results in myself. Certainly, hCG is not required for weight loss (I've lost more than 20 pounds without it), but the addition of hCG to my daily regimen will hopefully allow me to continue my weight loss until I reach a healthier weight and can then develop a routine to maintain that weight without losing my commitment or enthusiasm along the way.