Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phase 2, Day 39: My Romance with Food

Weight: 235.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 39.0 pounds

So, in a doctor's office visit my primary care physician complimented be on my blog and successes thus far, but commented that it almost seems that I have a "romantic affair" with food, and that this might point to some of the reasons why I've struggled over the past week or two. I wasn't REALLY sure what he was talking about, but I promised to reflect on it. I mentioned to my wife what he had said, and she agreed.

So, I went back and read some of my early posts. I recognized that, subconsciously, I was describing my food (even the not-so-great foods) in ways that truly did indicate that I LOVE FOOD. The food I was eating upstaged descriptions of how I was feeling or how my life was changing as a result of my weight loss. When I think back to the questions I had for other "Somae Planners" before starting the diet they weren't about energy levels, exercise, or lifestyle changes. They were, "what did you eat on Day 23", "what does your daily menu look like," and "what's your new favorite food?"

One of the things I have realized over the course of this weight loss and lifestyle change is that, yes, I can still love eating food but I can't lose sight of the fact that eating is a method of giving my body nourishment. Period. The things I eat should taste good, but they should also be healthy. Sorry, pretty lady, I'm saving this dance for someone else.

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