Monday, November 22, 2010

Phase 3, Day 5: GOAL and then some

Weight: 228.6 pounds
Total Weight Lost: 46.0 pounds

On Saturday morning I awoke to find that I had reached my 12-week goal of 230 pounds. I was excited, a little bit amazed, and immediately committed to lose more. As I reflect back on the last 9 weeks, it seems impossible that I have lost so much weight. Sure, there have been some rough times with plateaus and even some weight spikes, but I have learned so much about how my body responds to certain foods and I feel absolutely amazing.

I have another 3 weeks or so on Phase 3, but I have also come to realize that this lifestyle change doesn't end when I reach 12's a LIFESTYLE change. I've discovered new salad combinations, smoothie recipes, and exercises that I can really sustain in order to be a healthier person ALL of the time. One of the greatest accomplishments has been working with my kids so that they now choose healthy options (whole-grain crackers, fruit, etc.) for snack rather than always going for "gummy snacks" or cookies.

Thanks to everyone for their support, and keep the good words coming as I keep heading for 200.


  1. Awesome! This was a very inspiring read - thanks! :)

  2. This is very encouraging.. It's definitely a mind set when you want to change you life style of eatting. I am in love with food. We have a special relationship and I wear it all over my body. When start my phase 3 I will have to do some daily talking to myself to make sure the lifestyle stays sustained. I will be going to a dojo on Friday to observe a karate class. Really dont want to do it because its a little embarrassing when a kid can do more sit ups than an adult (Dang). However, it's time for me to get a regular life changing activity and i have always wanted to take karate/brazilian karate. Let's see who wins --- the embarrasment or me... LOL...
