Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Phase 1, Day 3: Yummy!

Weight: 264.2
Total weight lost*: 10.6 lbs
*This "total weight lost" is a measure from my original weigh-in weight on September 9, though I didn't officially start the diet regimen until five days later. It's just easier to use one starting point instead of two.

My salt craving yesterday was taken care of with some carefully prepared grilled chicken, grilled eggplant and sauteed asparagus with balsamic vinegar (thanks, Staci!). Today, I'm going to add a few new things to my repertoire, raw pumpkin seeds.

I remember my mom making roasted pumpkin seeds when I was a kid, and looking back on it, those are some really good memories. Raw pumpkin seeds, while not quite as tasty (i.e., salty), are pretty darn good. I was browsing through Whole Foods Market the other day and just tried a couple and was hooked.

One note from yesterday, I got a KILLER headache at around 5:00 p.m., a little more than 2 hours after my afternoon snack. My gut instinct is that it was a caffeine withdrawal symptom. Going from 40 or 60 ounces of Diet Mt. Dew and Diet Coke a day to ZERO ounces has to be a bit of a shock to the system. Fortunately, my Somae mentor has turned me on to an herbal tea called Yerba Maté that has a caffeine-related effect without all of the high fructose corn syrup, aspartame NutraSweet or saccharin found in soft drinks.

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